St uses a very good hack where mouse wheel genereates ^Y and ^E, that are the same keys that less and vi uses for backward and fordward scrolling. Scroll, as many terminal emulators, use shift+Prev/Next for scrolling, but it is also using ^E and ^Y for scroling, characters that are reserved in the POSIX shell in emacs mode for end of line and yanking, making scroll unsable in st. This patch adds a new hack, making shift+wheel returning the same sequences than shift+Prev/Next, meaning that scroll or any other similar program will not be able to differentiate between them.
st - simple terminal -------------------- st is a simple terminal emulator for X which sucks less. Requirements ------------ In order to build st you need the Xlib header files. Installation ------------ Edit to match your local setup (st is installed into the /usr/local namespace by default). Afterwards enter the following command to build and install st (if necessary as root): make clean install Running st ---------- If you did not install st with make clean install, you must compile the st terminfo entry with the following command: tic -sx See the man page for additional details. Credits ------- Based on Aurélien APTEL <aurelien dot aptel at gmail dot com> bt source code.