# Entity relational diagram ## Messaging extension ```mermaid %%{init: { "er": {"fontSize": 25}}}%% erDiagram %% General Users %% Messages Discussions{ Integer id PK String name } Messages{ Integer id PK Integer response FK "Messages" String content } Discussions ||--o{ Messages: "" Discussions ||--o{ Users: "" Messages o|--o{ Messages: "answers" %% Forums Forums{ Integer id PK String name } Topics{ Integer id PK String subject String content Boolean locked } Answers{ Integer id PK String content Boolean anonymous TimeStamp creation_time } Polls{ Integer id PK enum PollType } Options{ Integer id PK String name } Forums ||--o{ Users: "Registered" Forums ||--|| Teacher: "Owner" Forums ||--|| Course: "" Forums ||--o{ Topics: "" Forums ||--o{ Polls: "" Topics ||--|| Teacher: "Author" Topics ||--|| Users: "Author" Topics ||--o{ Answers: "" Polls ||--o{ Options: "" Options ||--o{ Votes : "" Votes }o--|| Users: "Voter" %% Appointments Teachers Appointments{ Integer id PK TIME sent_time enum Status } Appointments ||--|| Teachers: "" Appointments ||--|| Users: "" ``` Debucquoy Anthony Co-authored-by: Debucquoy <debucqquoy.anthony@gmail.com> Reviewed-on: #14 Reviewed-by: Maxime <231026@umons.ac.be>
Proto messaging extension
This is a prototype document for the use case.
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- pdflatex
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- bibtex
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