adding set cookie and set lang ( #68 )
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m9s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m19s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 21s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m20s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 21s
simple set cookie (je deteste javascript) et un setlang pour le syntastic sugar
Reviewed-on: #68
Reviewed-by: Maxime <231026@umons.ac.be>
Reviewed-by: Wal <karpinskiwal@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Anthony Debucquoy <debucquoy.anthony@gmail.com>
Co-committed-by: Anthony Debucquoy <debucquoy.anthony@gmail.com>
2024-03-08 11:23:32 +01:00
stub for courses ( #60 )
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m5s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m20s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 22s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m17s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 20s
base for the courses api
Reviewed-on: #60
Reviewed-by: Wal <karpinskiwal@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Maxime <231026@umons.ac.be>
Co-authored-by: Anthony Debucquoy <debucquoy.anthony@gmail.com>
Co-committed-by: Anthony Debucquoy <debucquoy.anthony@gmail.com>
2024-03-07 22:29:07 +01:00
Merge pull request 'tonitch/front/User_API' ( #56 ) from tonitch/front/User_API into master
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m11s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m22s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 22s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m18s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 21s
Reviewed-on: #56
Reviewed-by: Maxime <231026@umons.ac.be>
Reviewed-by: Wal <karpinskiwal@gmail.com>
2024-03-07 14:12:49 +01:00
Base for rest api utilisation ( #53 )
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m11s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m23s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 23s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m18s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 21s
The restConsumer will be the base, then I will create a js file per
"object" (for instance there will be users.js with all endpoints for
users using the restConsumer.js)
Reviewed-on: #53
Reviewed-by: Wal <karpinskiwal@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Maxime <231026@umons.ac.be>
Co-authored-by: Anthony Debucquoy <debucquoy.anthony@gmail.com>
Co-committed-by: Anthony Debucquoy <debucquoy.anthony@gmail.com>
2024-03-06 21:38:09 +01:00
Fixing i18n path
Build and test backend / Build-backend (pull_request) Successful in 1m58s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (pull_request) Successful in 1m56s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (pull_request) Successful in 19s
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m5s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m17s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 21s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m17s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 20s
2024-03-06 14:41:03 +01:00
User api first draft finished
Build and test backend / Build-backend (pull_request) Successful in 1m55s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (pull_request) Successful in 1m52s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (pull_request) Successful in 19s
2024-03-06 14:08:39 +01:00
My life is a potato
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m9s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m20s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 22s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m17s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 20s
2024-03-06 11:20:29 +01:00
using unix socket
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m9s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m18s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 21s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 20s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 1m33s
2024-03-06 10:52:11 +01:00
allow unix socket connection for database in prod
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m3s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m16s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 22s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m17s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 21s
2024-03-06 10:01:55 +01:00
backbone for login
Build and test backend / Build-backend (pull_request) Successful in 1m58s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (pull_request) Successful in 1m52s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (pull_request) Successful in 32s
2024-03-06 09:00:55 +01:00
package-lock was forgoten
2024-03-06 08:59:08 +01:00
adding patch to restConsumer
2024-03-06 08:59:08 +01:00
adding toast on requests
2024-03-06 08:59:06 +01:00
Merge pull request 'LeoMoulin/Backend/Leo' ( #55 ) from LeoMoulin/Backend/Leo into master
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m2s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m19s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 21s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m13s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 19s
Reviewed-on: #55
2024-03-05 23:41:59 +01:00
correction commit
Build and test backend / Build-backend (pull_request) Successful in 2m3s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (pull_request) Successful in 1m53s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (pull_request) Successful in 19s
2024-03-05 23:34:49 +01:00
Merge branch 'master' into LeoMoulin/Backend/Leo
Build and test backend / Build-backend (pull_request) Successful in 1m55s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (pull_request) Successful in 1m52s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (pull_request) Successful in 24s
2024-03-05 20:30:00 +01:00
removing useless function & calling reloadLang properly ( #52 )
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m8s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m25s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 32s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m17s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 25s
Reviewed-on: #52
Reviewed-by: Maxime <231026@umons.ac.be>
Reviewed-by: Wal <karpinskiwal@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Anthony Debucquoy <debucquoy.anthony@gmail.com>
Co-committed-by: Anthony Debucquoy <debucquoy.anthony@gmail.com>
2024-03-05 20:28:23 +01:00
adding register
2024-03-05 14:58:56 +01:00
- Ajout des champs password et salt dans user
Build and test backend / Build-backend (pull_request) Successful in 2m25s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (pull_request) Successful in 2m1s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (pull_request) Successful in 25s
Build and test FrontEnd / Test-frontend (pull_request) Successful in 23s
- Ajout de la table token
- Ajout des foreign keys
2024-03-05 14:14:56 +01:00
backbone for login
2024-03-05 14:10:13 +01:00
Document rest
Build and test backend / Build-backend (pull_request) Successful in 1m55s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (pull_request) Successful in 1m50s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (pull_request) Successful in 19s
2024-03-05 11:48:04 +01:00
solve access to /login
Build and test backend / Build-backend (pull_request) Successful in 1m55s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (pull_request) Successful in 1m49s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (pull_request) Successful in 20s
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m6s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m23s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 22s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m16s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 20s
Vite won't export not specified page, so I specified it in the config.
2024-03-05 10:57:48 +01:00
Base for rest api utilisation
Build and test backend / Build-backend (pull_request) Successful in 1m54s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (pull_request) Successful in 1m52s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (pull_request) Successful in 20s
The restConsumer will be the base, then I will create a js file per
"object" (for instance there will be users.js with all endpoints for
users using the restConsumer.js)
2024-03-05 00:15:52 +01:00
added ResponseEntity and TODOs
2024-03-04 23:35:15 +01:00
added .idea/ to .gitignore
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m8s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m17s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 21s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m13s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 21s
2024-03-04 21:30:16 +01:00
added .idea/ to .gitignore
2024-03-04 21:27:22 +01:00
added Admin and Secretary
2024-03-04 21:25:44 +01:00
fix last commit
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m7s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 22s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m21s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m19s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 20s
2024-03-04 20:42:10 +01:00
relatives position for static api
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m9s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m18s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 22s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m20s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 21s
2024-03-04 20:15:12 +01:00
Fixing the login page availability
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m8s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m24s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 23s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m20s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 20s
To access the login page you need login.html. Then this page loads the
login.js that generate the login.vue in the div#app (with the '#app')
2024-03-04 19:42:57 +01:00
Convert login.html to Login.vue
2024-03-04 19:42:57 +01:00
New file for login's style
2024-03-04 19:42:57 +01:00
Grid setup frontend
2024-03-04 19:42:57 +01:00
Table for navigation bars
2024-03-04 19:42:57 +01:00
Login prototype
2024-03-04 19:42:57 +01:00
- Changement des noms de variables
- Ajout des getters/setters appropriés
- Ajout des constructeur nécessaires
2024-03-03 17:42:26 +01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/LeoMoulin/Backend/Leo' into LeoMoulin/Backend/Leo
2024-03-03 17:05:09 +01:00
example backend api with user table
2024-03-02 23:33:48 +01:00
adding api definition in static files
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m4s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m17s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 22s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m14s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 20s
2024-03-02 22:19:10 +01:00
Changing name because it's cool...
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m6s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m17s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 22s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 2m12s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 20s
Honestly this commit can be skipped but I want to show-off ^^
2024-03-02 20:09:19 +01:00
Adding favicon plus perfect clyde
The clyde was good but i'm authistic so I made it perfect (16x16 scaled
up so proportions are perfectly perfect)
2024-03-02 20:09:19 +01:00
removing action for frontend test
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Waiting to run
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Waiting to run
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Waiting to run
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Waiting to run
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Waiting to run
2024-03-02 20:09:02 +01:00
Removing vitest
2024-03-02 20:09:02 +01:00
Implementation of i18n with documentation
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Waiting to run
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Waiting to run
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Waiting to run
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Waiting to run
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Waiting to run
Build and test FrontEnd / Test-frontend (push) Waiting to run
All files are documented. For further details please read them.
2024-03-02 20:08:02 +01:00
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Waiting to run
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Waiting to run
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Waiting to run
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Waiting to run
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Waiting to run
Build and test FrontEnd / Test-frontend (push) Waiting to run
2024-03-02 20:07:16 +01:00
idea of internationalisation in JDB
2024-03-02 20:07:16 +01:00
Premire journal de bord base
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Waiting to run
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Waiting to run
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Waiting to run
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Waiting to run
Build and test FrontEnd / Test-frontend (push) Waiting to run
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Has been cancelled
Contient le choix des technologies
ainsi que la répartition des taches
2024-03-02 20:04:47 +01:00
fixing db
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m6s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Has been cancelled
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Has been cancelled
Build and test FrontEnd / Test-frontend (push) Has been cancelled
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 24s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Has been cancelled
2024-03-02 19:30:26 +01:00
Refactoring backend ( #42 )
Build and test backend / Build-backend (push) Successful in 2m7s
Build and test backend / Test-backend (push) Successful in 1m22s
Build and test FrontEnd / Build-frontend (push) Successful in 22s
Build and test FrontEnd / Test-frontend (push) Successful in 22s
deploy to production / deploy-frontend (push) Successful in 24s
deploy to production / deploy-backend (push) Successful in 1m28s
removing cors fails.
refactoring ping as a proposal for rest endpoints locations
Reviewed-on: #42
Reviewed-by: Maxime <231026@umons.ac.be>
Co-authored-by: Anthony Debucquoy <debucquoy.anthony@gmail.com>
Co-committed-by: Anthony Debucquoy <debucquoy.anthony@gmail.com>
2024-03-01 18:43:56 +01:00
Suppression de TeacherOwnerCourse.java et ajout d'un booléen Owned dans TeacherGivenCourse.java
2024-03-01 01:47:11 +01:00