import asyncio import aiohttp import csv from datetime import datetime from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re async def main(): stations = [] with open('stations.csv') as station_file: stations_list = csv.reader(station_file) for row in stations_list: stations.append(row[1]) trains = [] async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: tasks = [] for station in stations: tasks.append(fetch_station(station, session, trains)) await asyncio.gather(*tasks) print(trains) async def fetch_station(station: str, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, trains: list) -> None: train_list = [] url = "" url_data = { 'realtime': 'Show', # Dunno 'sqQueryPageDisplayed': 'yes', # Dunno 'REQProduct_list+': '5:1111111000000000', # Dunno 'input': station, 'REQ0JourneyStopsSID+': 'A=1@O=Mouscron@X=3228449@Y=50740997@U=80@L=008885704@B=1@p=1661553118@n=ac.1=GA@', # Don't know what it does so I don't touch 'date':'%d/%m/%Y'), 'wDayExtsq': 'Mo|Tu|We|Th|Fr|Sa|Su', # Didn't try 'time':'%H:%M'), 'boardType': 'dep', 'maxJourneys': '10', # can be changed but have to be > 10 'start': 'Show' # Dunno } try: async with, data=url_data) as resp: if resp.status == 200: print(f"station {station} success ✅") soup = BeautifulSoup(await resp.text(), 'html.parser') products = soup.body.find_all(class_='product')[1:] [i.a.img.decompose() for i in products] train_list = [''.join(i.a.contents) for i in products] for train in train_list: if train not in trains and train: trains.append(re.sub(" +", " ",train.strip())) return None except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ServerDisconnectedError: print(f"station {station} failed ❎ ") if __name__ == "__main__":