Set the matrix size of a new piece to its minimum size #45

tonitch merged 3 commits from matrixMinimumSize into master 2023-05-11 20:08:40 +02:00

Now if a piece is created with the matrix

- | # | # | -
- | # | - | #
- | - | - | -

the matrix of the piece itself will become

# | # | -
# | - | #
Now if a piece is created with the matrix ``` - | # | # | - - | # | - | # - | - | - | - ``` the matrix of the piece itself will become ``` # | # | - # | - | # ```
tonitch added 3 commits 2023-05-10 22:52:16 +02:00
limit piece matrix to their minimum size
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing
Mat_02 approved these changes 2023-05-11 16:17:10 +02:00
Mat_02 left a comment

great job

great job
tonitch merged commit 9fabc8128b into master 2023-05-11 20:08:40 +02:00
tonitch deleted branch matrixMinimumSize 2023-05-11 20:08:40 +02:00
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Reference: undefined_name/School_Project#45
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