sent ==== A simple plaintext presentation tool. sent does not need latex, libreoffice or any other fancy file format, it uses plaintext files. Every line represents a slide in the presentation. This may limit the use, but for presentations using the [Takahashi method]( this is very nice and allows you to write down the presentation for a quick lightning talk within a few minutes. The presentation is displayed in a simple X11 window colored black on white for maximum contrast even if the sun shines directly onto the projected image. The content of each slide is automatically scaled to fit the window so you don't have to worry about alignment. Instead you can really concentrate on the content. Demo ---- To get a little demo, just type make && ./sent example You can navigate with the arrow keys and quit with `q`. Usage ----- sent [-f FONTSTRING] FILE1 [FILE2 ...] If one FILE equals `-`, stdin will be read. A presentation file could look like this: sent why? easy to use few dependencies (X11) no bloat how? sent FILENAME thanks / questions? future features --------------- * utf8 support * second window for speakers laptop (progress, time, notes?) * images * multiple lines per slide? * markdown?