#! /bin/sh gap=10 cgap=5 PANEL_HEIGHT=25 export gap export cgap export PANEL_HEIGHT #This creates negative padding equal to window gap so that gaps are shown only between windows and not on desktop edges. bspc config window_gap $(($gap+$cgap)) bspc config top_padding $(($PANEL_HEIGHT-$gap)) bspc config left_padding -$gap bspc config right_padding -$gap bspc config bottom_padding -$gap #Various settings bspc config gapless_monocle false #Default setup uses negative padding, and gapless monocle looks really weird like that bspc config borderless_monocle true bspc config single_monocle true bspc config paddingless_monocle false #bspc config ignore_ewmh_focus true #bspc config initial_polarity second_child bspc config remove_disabled_monitors true bspc config remove_unplugged_monitors true ## Honor size hints: do not make windows smaller than they wish to be #bspc config honor_size_hints true ##Color settings bspc config focused_border_color "#1ABB9B" bspc config normal_border_color "#2D2D2D" #"#000000" bspc config presel_feedback_color "#1ABB9B" #"#8F3724" bspc config border_width 2 bspc config focus_follows_pointer true #bspc config pointer_follows_focus true #Some keybindings automatically enable and disable this setting #Settings for manual splitting bspc config split_ratio 0.52 #bspc monitor -d i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x #bspc monitor -d One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten #bspc monitor -d I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X #bspc monitor -d • • • • • • • • • • #bspc monitor -d I II III IV V VI ###This creates and names desktops for multiple monitors. workspaces_multimonitor & bspc rule -a screenkey --unmanage bspc rule -a gcolor2 state=floating center=true bspc rule -a lxappearance state=floating center=true bspc rule -a gmrun state=floating center=true bspc rule -a lxterminal state=floating center=true sticky=true #bspc rule -a urxvt state=floating center=true bspc rule -a viewnior state=floating center=true bspc rule -a file-roller state=floating center=true bspc rule -a floaterm state=floating center=true bspc rule -a spotify state=pseudo_tiled #bspc rule -a nautilus state=pseudo_tiled #bspc rule -a skype state=pseudo_tiled bspc rule -a file-roller state=pseudo_tiled bspc rule -a transmission-gtk state=pseudo_tiled bspc rule -a conky sticky=on manage=off lower=on bspc rule -a astime sticky=on bspc rule -a yad state=floating bspc rule -a Docky layer=above border=off manage=on bspc rule -a Plank layer=above border=off manage=on bspc rule -a wbar layer=above bspc rule -a dockbarx layer=above bspc rule -a google-chrome-unstable private=on bspc rule -a google-chrome-stable private=on bspc rule -a chromium private=on bspc rule -a firefox private=on bspc rule -a midori private=on bspc rule -a gnome-pie border=off manage=off bspc rule -a wpa_gui state=pseudo_tiled bspc rule -a libreoffice state=tiled bspc rule -a '*:libreofficedev' state=tiled bspc rule -a '*:soffice' state=tiled #bspc rule -a firefox desktop=I #bspc rule -a calibre desktop=II #bspc rule -a geany desktop=II #bspc rule -a deluge desktop=III bspc rule -a 9menu border=off manage=off bspc rule -a tint2 border=off manage=off #bspc desktop I --layout monocle #bspc desktop II --layout monocle bspc rule -a Godot state=pseudo_tiled bspc rule -a arduino state=pseudo_tiled bspc rule -a Tk state=pseudo_tiled bspc rule -a mcedit.py state=floating bspc rule -a yakuake manage=off layer=above bspc rule -a xsane manage=off layer=above ## Autogap adjusts windowgap automatically according to the number of ## windows on the desktop. Using it disables negative window gap. # autogap & ## This script balances all windows when new one is spawned #euclid_balancer & ##Edge-switcher switches to next workspace when moves moves to the ##edge of the monitor (behavior similar to enlightenment) #edge-switcher & ###External rules ##Pseudo automatic mode: always splits focused window when opening new window bspc config external_rules_command /usr/bin/pseudo_automatic_mode ##Adjust new window: splits biggest windows to keep windows about the same size #bspc config external_rules_command /usr/bin/adjust-new-window ##Autostart apps #Keybindings daemon sxhkd & #Source autostartfile. Uncomment this if you use bspwm-git #. $HOME/.config/bspwm/autostart #limepanel & $HOME/.config/polybar/launch.sh &