# Md related snippet check "put a open check box" - [ ] ${1:${VISUAL:item}} $0 endsnippet # Tex related snippet tex "Inline Latex" i \\\\( ${1:${VISUAL}} \\\\) $0 endsnippet snippet Tex "Latex block" b \\\\[ ${1:${VISUAL}} \\\\] $0 endsnippet snippet bb "mathbb" i \mathbb{${1:${VISUAL:R}}} $0 endsnippet snippet in "\in" i \in $0 endsnippet snippet text "implement text in tex" i \text{ ${1:${VISUAL:text}} } $0 endsnippet snippet quad "small space (like a tab)" i \quad $0 endsnippet snippet br "break a line in tex mode" i \\\\\\\\ $0 endsnippet snippet frac "fractions" i \frac{$1}{$2} $0 endsnippet snippet beg "Beggin and end with the cursor on the type" i \begin{${1:matrix}}} ${2:${VISUAL}} \end{$1} endsnippet snippet set "prepare for a set in tex {}" i \\\\{ ${1:${VISUAL:e}} \\\\} $0 endsnippet snippet forall "forall" \forall $0 endsnippet snippet exists "exists" \exists $0 priority -1 snippet "(\w+)" "latex default" r \\`!p snip.rv = match.group(1)` $1 endsnippet snippet task "Create a task list item" - [ ] ${1:${VISUAL:item}} endsnippet snippet rest "add a restAPI endpoint" b #### ${1:${VISUAL:Title}}
${2:${VISUAL:GET}} /${3:${VISUAL:Endpoint}} ${4:${VISUAL:Description}} ##### Parameters > | name | type | data type | description | > |-----------|-----------|-------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| > | None | required | object (JSON or YAML) | N/A | ##### Responses > | http code | content-type | response | > |---------------|-----------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------| > | \`200\` | \`text/plain;charset=UTF-8\` | \`Configuration created successfully\` | > | \`400\` | \`application/json\` | \`{"code":"400","message":"Bad Request"}\` | ##### Example cURL > \`\`\`javascript > curl -X $2 -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8889/$3 > \`\`\`
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