def belongs_to_dictionary(word): """check if a word is in dictionary :word: the word to check :returns: true if in word.txt else false """ with open("words.txt") as wl: word_list = return word in word_list def ask_word_in_dictionary(): """ ask a word, if not in word.txt redo :returns: word of word.txt """ while(True): in_word = input("insert a word that belongs to the file words.txt: ") if belongs_to_dictionary(in_word): return in_word print(f"{in_word} is not in word.txt") def ask_letter(tried_letters): """ ask for a letter and check if it is not in trie_letters else redo :tried_letters: list of already tried letters :returns: the letter that is not in tried letters """ while(True): in_letter = input(f"insert a letter that is not tested yet: {tried_letters.split()}: ") if in_letter not in tried_letters: return in_letter print(f"{in_letter} is already guessed") if __name__ == "__main__": # Only tests print("Test de la fonction, belongs_to_dictionary") testing_words = {'banana': True, 'patatas': False, 'tonitch': False, 'other': True, 'lol': False, 1: False, False: False} for value, result in testing_words.items(): if belongs_to_dictionary(value) == result: print(f"{value} has been tested, returned {result} -- SUCCESS!") else: print(f"{value} has been tested, returned {result} -- ERROR!") print("Test de la fonction, ask_word_in_dictionary") value = ask_word_in_dictionary() print(f"The function returned value {value}") print("Test de la fonction, ask_letter") value = ask_letter("") print(f"The function returned value {value}") value = ask_letter("aeiou") print(f"The function returned value {value}") print("Test are finished")