from hangmantui import hangman, clear from userInput import ask_word_in_dictionary, ask_letter def hangman_start(score: int): """start the hangman """ life = 10 choosed_word = ask_word_in_dictionary() found_letters = '*' * len(choosed_word) not_in_word = '' while life > 0: draw(life, found_letters) in_letter = ask_letter(not_in_word) if in_letter in choosed_word: found_letters = unhide_letters(choosed_word, in_letter, found_letters) else: not_in_word += in_letter life -= 1 if found_letters == choosed_word: clear() print('CONGRATS!! the word was: ', choosed_word) score += len(list(dict.fromkeys(choosed_word[:]))) + life - len(not_in_word) break return score def unhide_letters(choosed_word, letter, found_letters): """take a letter and unhide it in the found letters :choosed_word: the original word :letter: the letter to unhide :found_letters: the current found letter :returns: found letter with unhiden letters """ ret = '' for i in range(len(choosed_word)): if letter in choosed_word[i]: ret += letter else: ret += found_letters[i] return ret def draw(life, word): """draw the main screen with hangman, life remaining and word with * on unknown letters :life: int of life remaining :word: current word with * on unknown letters and other letters on found """ clear() print(life) hangman(life) print(word) if __name__ == "__main__": print("your score is", hangman_start(0))