forked from PGL/Clyde
Debucquoy Anthony 1502cc871c Merge pull request 'UploadAPI and profilePicture' (#102) from tonitch/front/apiUpload into master
Reviewed-on: PGL/Clyde#102
Reviewed-by: LeoMoulin <leomoulin125@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Wal <karpinskiwal@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Maxime <231026@umons.ac.be>
2024-03-14 22:37:30 +01:00

55 lines
2.0 KiB

import { getCookie } from '../utils.js'
import { toast } from 'vue3-toastify'
const restURL = import.meta.env.PROD ? "https://clyde.herisson.ovh/api" : "http://localhost:8080"
export async function restGet(endPoint) {
return await _rest(endPoint, {method: "GET"});
export async function restPost(endPoint, data) {
return await _rest(endPoint, {method: "POST", credentials: 'include', body: JSON.stringify(data)});
export async function restPostFile(endPoint, file){
let headers = new Headers();
return await _rest(endPoint, {method: "POST", credentials: 'include', body: file, headers: headers });
export async function restDelete(endPoint, data) {
return await _rest(endPoint, {method: "DELETE", credentials: 'include', body: JSON.stringify(data)});
export async function restPatch(endPoint, data) {
return await _rest(endPoint, {method: "PATCH", credentials: 'include', body: JSON.stringify(data)});
* backbone for the request made by the frontend
* specification
* - If the user has "session_token" cookie set, it will use it in the authorization field of the http request
* - The result will be returned as a json to access fields easily ( the backend should send json response )
* @Example _rest("/ping", {user: data}) -> {id:0, txt:"pong"}
async function _rest(endPoint, config){
endPoint.at(0) != "/" ? console.error("Carefull, you certainly should put a / at the begenning of your endPoint ") : true;
let session_token = getCookie("session_token");
let headers = new Headers({
'Authorization': session_token,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
config['headers'] = config['headers'] == null ? headers : config['headers'];
return toast.promise(fetch(restURL + endPoint, config),
pending: config['pending'] != null ? config['pending'] : 'pending',
error: config['error'] != null ? config['error'] : 'Network Failure...',
success: config['success'] != null ? config['success'] : {render(res){
return res.data.ok ? "Success" : "error";
.then( e => e.json()).catch( e => e );