Backend endpoints checklist #30

opened 2024-02-23 11:53:03 +01:00 by tonitch · 0 comments

Backend endpoints CheckList

  • AdminApi | userRegNoGet | GET /user/{RegNo} | Get user's informations |
  • AdminApi | userRegNoPatch | PATCH /user/{RegNo} | Alter user's informations |

  • AppointmentApi | appointmentGet | GET /appointment | list appointments |
  • AppointmentApi | appointmentIdGet | GET /appointment/{id} | get info on an appointment |
  • AppointmentApi | appointmentIdPost | POST /appointment/{id} | Accept, decline or propose a new schedule for the appointment |
  • AppointmentApi | appointmentPost | POST /appointment | create a new appointment |

  • CoursesApi | coursePost | POST /course | Create new course |
  • CoursesApi | coursesIdDelete | DELETE /courses/{id} | delete a course |
  • CoursesApi | coursesIdGet | GET /courses/{id} | see courses informations |
  • CoursesApi | coursesIdPatch | PATCH /courses/{id} | Change course options |

  • CursusApi | cursusIdDelete | DELETE /cursus/{id} | Delete cursus |
  • CursusApi | cursusIdGet | GET /cursus/{id} | See Cursus's informations |
  • CursusApi | cursusIdPatch | PATCH /cursus/{id} | Modify cursus |
  • CursusApi | cursusPost | POST /cursus | Create a cursus |

  • DefaultApi | pingGet | GET /ping | Check the API status |

  • DiscussionApi | discussionGet | GET /discussion | get list of available discussions |
  • DiscussionApi | discussionIdGet | GET /discussion/{id} | get info on a discussion |
  • DiscussionApi | discussionIdMsgGet | GET /discussion/{id}/msg | list messages in a discussion |
  • DiscussionApi | discussionIdMsgMsgIdDelete | DELETE /discussion/{id}/msg/{msgId} | delete a message |
  • DiscussionApi | discussionIdMsgMsgIdGet | GET /discussion/{id}/msg/{msgId} | get info about message |
  • DiscussionApi | discussionIdMsgPost | POST /discussion/{id}/msg | post a new message in a discussion |
  • DiscussionApi | discussionPost | POST /discussion | create a new discussion |

  • DisplayApi | displayIdGet | GET /display/{id} | See display information |
  • DisplayApi | displayIdPatch | PATCH /display/{id} | Modify display |
  • DisplayApi | displayPost | POST /display | Create a new display |

  • ExtMessagingApi | appointmentGet | GET /appointment | list appointments |
  • ExtMessagingApi | appointmentIdGet | GET /appointment/{id} | get info on an appointment |
  • ExtMessagingApi | appointmentIdPost | POST /appointment/{id} | Accept, decline or propose a new schedule for the appointment |
  • ExtMessagingApi | appointmentPost | POST /appointment | create a new appointment |
  • ExtMessagingApi | discussionGet | GET /discussion | get list of available discussions |
  • ExtMessagingApi | discussionIdGet | GET /discussion/{id} | get info on a discussion |
  • ExtMessagingApi | discussionIdMsgGet | GET /discussion/{id}/msg | list messages in a discussion |
  • ExtMessagingApi | discussionIdMsgMsgIdDelete | DELETE /discussion/{id}/msg/{msgId} | delete a message |
  • ExtMessagingApi | discussionIdMsgMsgIdGet | GET /discussion/{id}/msg/{msgId} | get info about message |
  • ExtMessagingApi | discussionIdMsgPost | POST /discussion/{id}/msg | post a new message in a discussion |
  • ExtMessagingApi | discussionPost | POST /discussion | create a new discussion |
  • ExtMessagingApi | forumForumIdDelete | DELETE /forum/{forumId} | remove the forum |
  • ExtMessagingApi | forumForumIdGet | GET /forum/{forumId} | get informations about a forum |
  • ExtMessagingApi | forumForumIdTopicGet | GET /forum/{forumId}/topic | list topics of a forum |
  • ExtMessagingApi | forumForumIdTopicPost | POST /forum/{forumId}/topic | create a new topic in the forum |
  • ExtMessagingApi | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdDelete | DELETE /forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId} | delete a topic |
  • ExtMessagingApi | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdGet | GET /forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId} | get info about a topic |
  • ExtMessagingApi | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponseGet | GET /forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response | list responses of a topic |
  • ExtMessagingApi | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponsePost | POST /forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response | create a new response |
  • ExtMessagingApi | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponseResponseIdDelete | DELETE /forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response/{responseId} | delete a response |
  • ExtMessagingApi | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponseResponseIdGet | GET /forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response/{responseId} | get info on a response |
  • ExtMessagingApi | forumGet | GET /forum | get list of available forum |
  • ExtMessagingApi | forumPost | POST /forum | Create a new forum |

  • ExtScheduleApi | displayIdGet | GET /display/{id} | See display information |
  • ExtScheduleApi | displayIdPatch | PATCH /display/{id} | Modify display |
  • ExtScheduleApi | displayPost | POST /display | Create a new display |
  • ExtScheduleApi | lessonIdDelete | DELETE /lesson/{id} | Delete lesson |
  • ExtScheduleApi | lessonIdGet | GET /lesson/{id} | See lesson's informations |
  • ExtScheduleApi | lessonIdPatch | PATCH /lesson/{id} | Modify Lesson |
  • ExtScheduleApi | lessonPost | POST /lesson | create a new lesson |
  • ExtScheduleApi | scheduleRequestIdDelete | DELETE /scheduleRequest/{id} | Delete request |
  • ExtScheduleApi | scheduleRequestIdGet | GET /scheduleRequest/{id} | See request information |
  • ExtScheduleApi | scheduleRequestIdPatch | PATCH /scheduleRequest/{id} | Modify request |
  • ExtScheduleApi | scheduleRequestPost | POST /scheduleRequest | Create a new request |

  • ExtScientificArticlesApi | articleIdDelete | DELETE /article/{id} | delete own article |
  • ExtScientificArticlesApi | articleIdGet | GET /article/{id} | get a certain article |
  • ExtScientificArticlesApi | articleIdPatch | PATCH /article/{id} | modify an article |
  • ExtScientificArticlesApi | articlePost | POST /article | create an article |
  • ExtScientificArticlesApi | displayArticleGet | GET /DisplayArticle | get a list of article's data |
  • ExtScientificArticlesApi | userRegNoPatch | PATCH /user/{RegNo} | Alter user's informations |

  • ExtStudentRegistrationApi | requestsTypeGet | GET /Requests/{type} | Give an array of every requests of the specified type |
  • ExtStudentRegistrationApi | requestsTypeIdGet | GET /Requests/{type}/{id} | Get all the data composing a request |
  • ExtStudentRegistrationApi | requestsTypeIdPatch | PATCH /Requests/{type}/{id} | Change the state of request |
  • ExtStudentRegistrationApi | requestsTypePost | POST /Requests/{type} | create a request |

  • ForumApi | forumForumIdDelete | DELETE /forum/{forumId} | remove the forum |
  • ForumApi | forumForumIdGet | GET /forum/{forumId} | get informations about a forum |
  • ForumApi | forumForumIdTopicGet | GET /forum/{forumId}/topic | list topics of a forum |
  • ForumApi | forumForumIdTopicPost | POST /forum/{forumId}/topic | create a new topic in the forum |
  • ForumApi | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdDelete | DELETE /forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId} | delete a topic |
  • ForumApi | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdGet | GET /forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId} | get info about a topic |
  • ForumApi | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponseGet | GET /forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response | list responses of a topic |
  • ForumApi | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponsePost | POST /forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response | create a new response |
  • ForumApi | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponseResponseIdDelete | DELETE /forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response/{responseId} | delete a response |
  • ForumApi | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponseResponseIdGet | GET /forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response/{responseId} | get info on a response |
  • ForumApi | forumGet | GET /forum | get list of available forum |
  • ForumApi | forumPost | POST /forum | Create a new forum |

  • GeneralApi | coursePost | POST /course | Create new course |
  • GeneralApi | coursesIdDelete | DELETE /courses/{id} | delete a course |
  • GeneralApi | coursesIdGet | GET /courses/{id} | see courses informations |
  • GeneralApi | coursesIdPatch | PATCH /courses/{id} | Change course options |
  • GeneralApi | cursusIdDelete | DELETE /cursus/{id} | Delete cursus |
  • GeneralApi | cursusIdGet | GET /cursus/{id} | See Cursus's informations |
  • GeneralApi | cursusIdPatch | PATCH /cursus/{id} | Modify cursus |
  • GeneralApi | cursusPost | POST /cursus | Create a cursus |
  • GeneralApi | userGet | GET /user | get informations about yourself |
  • GeneralApi | userPatch | PATCH /user | Change informations about yourself |
  • GeneralApi | userPost | POST /user | Create user |
  • GeneralApi | userRegNoGet | GET /user/{RegNo} | Get user's informations |
  • GeneralApi | userRegNoPatch | PATCH /user/{RegNo} | Alter user's informations |
  • GeneralApi | usersGet | GET /users | list all users |

  • GuestApi | displayArticleGet | GET /DisplayArticle | get a list of article's data |
  • GuestApi | requestsTypePost | POST /Requests/{type} | create a request |

  • LessonApi | lessonIdDelete | DELETE /lesson/{id} | Delete lesson |
  • LessonApi | lessonIdGet | GET /lesson/{id} | See lesson's informations |
  • LessonApi | lessonIdPatch | PATCH /lesson/{id} | Modify Lesson |
  • LessonApi | lessonPost | POST /lesson | create a new lesson |

  • RequestsApi | requestsTypeGet | GET /Requests/{type} | Give an array of every requests of the specified type |
  • RequestsApi | requestsTypeIdGet | GET /Requests/{type}/{id} | Get all the data composing a request |
  • RequestsApi | requestsTypeIdPatch | PATCH /Requests/{type}/{id} | Change the state of request |
  • RequestsApi | requestsTypePost | POST /Requests/{type} | create a request |

  • ResearcherApi | articleIdDelete | DELETE /article/{id} | delete own article |
  • ResearcherApi | articleIdPatch | PATCH /article/{id} | modify an article |
  • ResearcherApi | articlePost | POST /article | create an article |

  • SIApi | requestsTypeGet | GET /Requests/{type} | Give an array of every requests of the specified type |
  • SIApi | requestsTypeIdGet | GET /Requests/{type}/{id} | Get all the data composing a request |
  • SIApi | requestsTypeIdPatch | PATCH /Requests/{type}/{id} | Change the state of request |
  • SIApi | usersGet | GET /users | list all users |

  • ScheduleRequestApi | scheduleRequestIdDelete | DELETE /scheduleRequest/{id} | Delete request |
  • ScheduleRequestApi | scheduleRequestIdGet | GET /scheduleRequest/{id} | See request information |
  • ScheduleRequestApi | scheduleRequestIdPatch | PATCH /scheduleRequest/{id} | Modify request |
  • ScheduleRequestApi | scheduleRequestPost | POST /scheduleRequest | Create a new request |

  • SecretariatApi | coursePost | POST /course | Create new course |
  • SecretariatApi | coursesIdDelete | DELETE /courses/{id} | delete a course |
  • SecretariatApi | coursesIdPatch | PATCH /courses/{id} | Change course options |
  • SecretariatApi | lessonIdDelete | DELETE /lesson/{id} | Delete lesson |
  • SecretariatApi | lessonIdPatch | PATCH /lesson/{id} | Modify Lesson |
  • SecretariatApi | lessonPost | POST /lesson | create a new lesson |
  • SecretariatApi | scheduleRequestIdDelete | DELETE /scheduleRequest/{id} | Delete request |
  • SecretariatApi | scheduleRequestIdGet | GET /scheduleRequest/{id} | See request information |
  • SecretariatApi | userRegNoPatch | PATCH /user/{RegNo} | Alter user's informations |

  • StudentApi | requestsTypePost | POST /Requests/{type} | create a request |

  • TeacherApi | requestsTypeIdGet | GET /Requests/{type}/{id} | Get all the data composing a request |
  • TeacherApi | requestsTypeIdPatch | PATCH /Requests/{type}/{id} | Change the state of request |
  • TeacherApi | scheduleRequestIdDelete | DELETE /scheduleRequest/{id} | Delete request |
  • TeacherApi | scheduleRequestIdGet | GET /scheduleRequest/{id} | See request information |
  • TeacherApi | scheduleRequestIdPatch | PATCH /scheduleRequest/{id} | Modify request |
  • TeacherApi | scheduleRequestPost | POST /scheduleRequest | Create a new request |

  • UsersApi | articleIdGet | GET /article/{id} | get a certain article |
  • UsersApi | displayArticleGet | GET /DisplayArticle | get a list of article's data |
  • UsersApi | displayIdGet | GET /display/{id} | See display information |
  • UsersApi | displayIdPatch | PATCH /display/{id} | Modify display |
  • UsersApi | lessonIdGet | GET /lesson/{id} | See lesson's informations |
  • UsersApi | userGet | GET /user | get informations about yourself |
  • UsersApi | userPatch | PATCH /user | Change informations about yourself |
  • UsersApi | userPost | POST /user | Create user |
# Backend endpoints CheckList - [ ] *AdminApi* | userRegNoGet | **GET** `/user/{RegNo}` | Get user's informations | - [ ] *AdminApi* | userRegNoPatch | **PATCH** `/user/{RegNo}` | Alter user's informations | --- - [ ] *AppointmentApi* | appointmentGet | **GET** `/appointment` | list appointments | - [ ] *AppointmentApi* | appointmentIdGet | **GET** `/appointment/{id}` | get info on an appointment | - [ ] *AppointmentApi* | appointmentIdPost | **POST** `/appointment/{id}` | Accept, decline or propose a new schedule for the appointment | - [ ] *AppointmentApi* | appointmentPost | **POST** `/appointment` | create a new appointment | --- - [ ] *CoursesApi* | coursePost | **POST** `/course` | Create new course | - [ ] *CoursesApi* | coursesIdDelete | **DELETE** `/courses/{id}` | delete a course | - [ ] *CoursesApi* | coursesIdGet | **GET** `/courses/{id}` | see courses informations | - [ ] *CoursesApi* | coursesIdPatch | **PATCH** `/courses/{id}` | Change course options | --- - [ ] *CursusApi* | cursusIdDelete | **DELETE** `/cursus/{id}` | Delete cursus | - [ ] *CursusApi* | cursusIdGet | **GET** `/cursus/{id}` | See Cursus's informations | - [ ] *CursusApi* | cursusIdPatch | **PATCH** `/cursus/{id}` | Modify cursus | - [ ] *CursusApi* | cursusPost | **POST** `/cursus` | Create a cursus | --- - [ ] *DefaultApi* | pingGet | **GET** `/ping` | Check the API status | --- - [ ] *DiscussionApi* | discussionGet | **GET** `/discussion` | get list of available discussions | - [ ] *DiscussionApi* | discussionIdGet | **GET** `/discussion/{id}` | get info on a discussion | - [ ] *DiscussionApi* | discussionIdMsgGet | **GET** `/discussion/{id}/msg` | list messages in a discussion | - [ ] *DiscussionApi* | discussionIdMsgMsgIdDelete | **DELETE** `/discussion/{id}/msg/{msgId}` | delete a message | - [ ] *DiscussionApi* | discussionIdMsgMsgIdGet | **GET** `/discussion/{id}/msg/{msgId}` | get info about message | - [ ] *DiscussionApi* | discussionIdMsgPost | **POST** `/discussion/{id}/msg` | post a new message in a discussion | - [ ] *DiscussionApi* | discussionPost | **POST** `/discussion` | create a new discussion | --- - [ ] *DisplayApi* | displayIdGet | **GET** `/display/{id}` | See display information | - [ ] *DisplayApi* | displayIdPatch | **PATCH** `/display/{id}` | Modify display | - [ ] *DisplayApi* | displayPost | **POST** `/display` | Create a new display | --- - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | appointmentGet | **GET** `/appointment` | list appointments | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | appointmentIdGet | **GET** `/appointment/{id}` | get info on an appointment | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | appointmentIdPost | **POST** `/appointment/{id}` | Accept, decline or propose a new schedule for the appointment | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | appointmentPost | **POST** `/appointment` | create a new appointment | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | discussionGet | **GET** `/discussion` | get list of available discussions | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | discussionIdGet | **GET** `/discussion/{id}` | get info on a discussion | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | discussionIdMsgGet | **GET** `/discussion/{id}/msg` | list messages in a discussion | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | discussionIdMsgMsgIdDelete | **DELETE** `/discussion/{id}/msg/{msgId}` | delete a message | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | discussionIdMsgMsgIdGet | **GET** `/discussion/{id}/msg/{msgId}` | get info about message | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | discussionIdMsgPost | **POST** `/discussion/{id}/msg` | post a new message in a discussion | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | discussionPost | **POST** `/discussion` | create a new discussion | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | forumForumIdDelete | **DELETE** `/forum/{forumId}` | remove the forum | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | forumForumIdGet | **GET** `/forum/{forumId}` | get informations about a forum | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | forumForumIdTopicGet | **GET** `/forum/{forumId}/topic` | list topics of a forum | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | forumForumIdTopicPost | **POST** `/forum/{forumId}/topic` | create a new topic in the forum | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdDelete | **DELETE** `/forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}` | delete a topic | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdGet | **GET** `/forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}` | get info about a topic | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponseGet | **GET** `/forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response` | list responses of a topic | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponsePost | **POST** `/forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response` | create a new response | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponseResponseIdDelete | **DELETE** `/forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response/{responseId}` | delete a response | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponseResponseIdGet | **GET** `/forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response/{responseId}` | get info on a response | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | forumGet | **GET** `/forum` | get list of available forum | - [ ] *ExtMessagingApi* | forumPost | **POST** `/forum` | Create a new forum | --- - [ ] *ExtScheduleApi* | displayIdGet | **GET** `/display/{id}` | See display information | - [ ] *ExtScheduleApi* | displayIdPatch | **PATCH** `/display/{id}` | Modify display | - [ ] *ExtScheduleApi* | displayPost | **POST** `/display` | Create a new display | - [ ] *ExtScheduleApi* | lessonIdDelete | **DELETE** `/lesson/{id}` | Delete lesson | - [ ] *ExtScheduleApi* | lessonIdGet | **GET** `/lesson/{id}` | See lesson's informations | - [ ] *ExtScheduleApi* | lessonIdPatch | **PATCH** `/lesson/{id}` | Modify Lesson | - [ ] *ExtScheduleApi* | lessonPost | **POST** `/lesson` | create a new lesson | - [ ] *ExtScheduleApi* | scheduleRequestIdDelete | **DELETE** `/scheduleRequest/{id}` | Delete request | - [ ] *ExtScheduleApi* | scheduleRequestIdGet | **GET** `/scheduleRequest/{id}` | See request information | - [ ] *ExtScheduleApi* | scheduleRequestIdPatch | **PATCH** `/scheduleRequest/{id}` | Modify request | - [ ] *ExtScheduleApi* | scheduleRequestPost | **POST** `/scheduleRequest` | Create a new request | --- - [ ] *ExtScientificArticlesApi* | articleIdDelete | **DELETE** `/article/{id}` | delete own article | - [ ] *ExtScientificArticlesApi* | articleIdGet | **GET** `/article/{id}` | get a certain article | - [ ] *ExtScientificArticlesApi* | articleIdPatch | **PATCH** `/article/{id}` | modify an article | - [ ] *ExtScientificArticlesApi* | articlePost | **POST** `/article` | create an article | - [ ] *ExtScientificArticlesApi* | displayArticleGet | **GET** `/DisplayArticle` | get a list of article's data | - [ ] *ExtScientificArticlesApi* | userRegNoPatch | **PATCH** `/user/{RegNo}` | Alter user's informations | --- - [ ] *ExtStudentRegistrationApi* | requestsTypeGet | **GET** `/Requests/{type}` | Give an array of every requests of the specified type | - [ ] *ExtStudentRegistrationApi* | requestsTypeIdGet | **GET** `/Requests/{type}/{id}` | Get all the data composing a request | - [ ] *ExtStudentRegistrationApi* | requestsTypeIdPatch | **PATCH** `/Requests/{type}/{id}` | Change the state of request | - [ ] *ExtStudentRegistrationApi* | requestsTypePost | **POST** `/Requests/{type}` | create a request | --- - [ ] *ForumApi* | forumForumIdDelete | **DELETE** `/forum/{forumId}` | remove the forum | - [ ] *ForumApi* | forumForumIdGet | **GET** `/forum/{forumId}` | get informations about a forum | - [ ] *ForumApi* | forumForumIdTopicGet | **GET** `/forum/{forumId}/topic` | list topics of a forum | - [ ] *ForumApi* | forumForumIdTopicPost | **POST** `/forum/{forumId}/topic` | create a new topic in the forum | - [ ] *ForumApi* | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdDelete | **DELETE** `/forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}` | delete a topic | - [ ] *ForumApi* | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdGet | **GET** `/forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}` | get info about a topic | - [ ] *ForumApi* | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponseGet | **GET** `/forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response` | list responses of a topic | - [ ] *ForumApi* | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponsePost | **POST** `/forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response` | create a new response | - [ ] *ForumApi* | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponseResponseIdDelete | **DELETE** `/forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response/{responseId}` | delete a response | - [ ] *ForumApi* | forumForumIdTopicTopicIdResponseResponseIdGet | **GET** `/forum/{forumId}/topic/{topicId}/response/{responseId}` | get info on a response | - [ ] *ForumApi* | forumGet | **GET** `/forum` | get list of available forum | - [ ] *ForumApi* | forumPost | **POST** `/forum` | Create a new forum | --- - [ ] *GeneralApi* | coursePost | **POST** `/course` | Create new course | - [ ] *GeneralApi* | coursesIdDelete | **DELETE** `/courses/{id}` | delete a course | - [ ] *GeneralApi* | coursesIdGet | **GET** `/courses/{id}` | see courses informations | - [ ] *GeneralApi* | coursesIdPatch | **PATCH** `/courses/{id}` | Change course options | - [ ] *GeneralApi* | cursusIdDelete | **DELETE** `/cursus/{id}` | Delete cursus | - [ ] *GeneralApi* | cursusIdGet | **GET** `/cursus/{id}` | See Cursus's informations | - [ ] *GeneralApi* | cursusIdPatch | **PATCH** `/cursus/{id}` | Modify cursus | - [ ] *GeneralApi* | cursusPost | **POST** `/cursus` | Create a cursus | - [ ] *GeneralApi* | userGet | **GET** `/user` | get informations about yourself | - [ ] *GeneralApi* | userPatch | **PATCH** `/user` | Change informations about yourself | - [ ] *GeneralApi* | userPost | **POST** `/user` | Create user | - [ ] *GeneralApi* | userRegNoGet | **GET** `/user/{RegNo}` | Get user's informations | - [ ] *GeneralApi* | userRegNoPatch | **PATCH** `/user/{RegNo}` | Alter user's informations | - [ ] *GeneralApi* | usersGet | **GET** `/users` | list all users | --- - [ ] *GuestApi* | displayArticleGet | **GET** `/DisplayArticle` | get a list of article's data | - [ ] *GuestApi* | requestsTypePost | **POST** `/Requests/{type}` | create a request | --- - [ ] *LessonApi* | lessonIdDelete | **DELETE** `/lesson/{id}` | Delete lesson | - [ ] *LessonApi* | lessonIdGet | **GET** `/lesson/{id}` | See lesson's informations | - [ ] *LessonApi* | lessonIdPatch | **PATCH** `/lesson/{id}` | Modify Lesson | - [ ] *LessonApi* | lessonPost | **POST** `/lesson` | create a new lesson | --- - [ ] *RequestsApi* | requestsTypeGet | **GET** `/Requests/{type}` | Give an array of every requests of the specified type | - [ ] *RequestsApi* | requestsTypeIdGet | **GET** `/Requests/{type}/{id}` | Get all the data composing a request | - [ ] *RequestsApi* | requestsTypeIdPatch | **PATCH** `/Requests/{type}/{id}` | Change the state of request | - [ ] *RequestsApi* | requestsTypePost | **POST** `/Requests/{type}` | create a request | --- - [ ] *ResearcherApi* | articleIdDelete | **DELETE** `/article/{id}` | delete own article | - [ ] *ResearcherApi* | articleIdPatch | **PATCH** `/article/{id}` | modify an article | - [ ] *ResearcherApi* | articlePost | **POST** `/article` | create an article | --- - [ ] *SIApi* | requestsTypeGet | **GET** `/Requests/{type}` | Give an array of every requests of the specified type | - [ ] *SIApi* | requestsTypeIdGet | **GET** `/Requests/{type}/{id}` | Get all the data composing a request | - [ ] *SIApi* | requestsTypeIdPatch | **PATCH** `/Requests/{type}/{id}` | Change the state of request | - [ ] *SIApi* | usersGet | **GET** `/users` | list all users | --- - [ ] *ScheduleRequestApi* | scheduleRequestIdDelete | **DELETE** `/scheduleRequest/{id}` | Delete request | - [ ] *ScheduleRequestApi* | scheduleRequestIdGet | **GET** `/scheduleRequest/{id}` | See request information | - [ ] *ScheduleRequestApi* | scheduleRequestIdPatch | **PATCH** `/scheduleRequest/{id}` | Modify request | - [ ] *ScheduleRequestApi* | scheduleRequestPost | **POST** `/scheduleRequest` | Create a new request | --- - [ ] *SecretariatApi* | coursePost | **POST** `/course` | Create new course | - [ ] *SecretariatApi* | coursesIdDelete | **DELETE** `/courses/{id}` | delete a course | - [ ] *SecretariatApi* | coursesIdPatch | **PATCH** `/courses/{id}` | Change course options | - [ ] *SecretariatApi* | lessonIdDelete | **DELETE** `/lesson/{id}` | Delete lesson | - [ ] *SecretariatApi* | lessonIdPatch | **PATCH** `/lesson/{id}` | Modify Lesson | - [ ] *SecretariatApi* | lessonPost | **POST** `/lesson` | create a new lesson | - [ ] *SecretariatApi* | scheduleRequestIdDelete | **DELETE** `/scheduleRequest/{id}` | Delete request | - [ ] *SecretariatApi* | scheduleRequestIdGet | **GET** `/scheduleRequest/{id}` | See request information | - [ ] *SecretariatApi* | userRegNoPatch | **PATCH** `/user/{RegNo}` | Alter user's informations | --- - [ ] *StudentApi* | requestsTypePost | **POST** `/Requests/{type}` | create a request | --- - [ ] *TeacherApi* | requestsTypeIdGet | **GET** `/Requests/{type}/{id}` | Get all the data composing a request | - [ ] *TeacherApi* | requestsTypeIdPatch | **PATCH** `/Requests/{type}/{id}` | Change the state of request | - [ ] *TeacherApi* | scheduleRequestIdDelete | **DELETE** `/scheduleRequest/{id}` | Delete request | - [ ] *TeacherApi* | scheduleRequestIdGet | **GET** `/scheduleRequest/{id}` | See request information | - [ ] *TeacherApi* | scheduleRequestIdPatch | **PATCH** `/scheduleRequest/{id}` | Modify request | - [ ] *TeacherApi* | scheduleRequestPost | **POST** `/scheduleRequest` | Create a new request | --- - [ ] *UsersApi* | articleIdGet | **GET** `/article/{id}` | get a certain article | - [ ] *UsersApi* | displayArticleGet | **GET** `/DisplayArticle` | get a list of article's data | - [ ] *UsersApi* | displayIdGet | **GET** `/display/{id}` | See display information | - [ ] *UsersApi* | displayIdPatch | **PATCH** `/display/{id}` | Modify display | - [ ] *UsersApi* | lessonIdGet | **GET** `/lesson/{id}` | See lesson's informations | - [ ] *UsersApi* | userGet | **GET** `/user` | get informations about yourself | - [ ] *UsersApi* | userPatch | **PATCH** `/user` | Change informations about yourself | - [ ] *UsersApi* | userPost | **POST** `/user` | Create user |
tonitch added the
label 2024-02-23 11:53:03 +01:00
Maxime self-assigned this 2024-03-09 00:50:16 +01:00
Maxime added this to the Max's TODO's project 2024-03-09 00:51:43 +01:00
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No project Max's TODO's
1 Participants
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Reference: PGL/Clyde#30
No description provided.