// JourneyMap server configuration file. Modify at your own risk! // To restore the default settings, simply delete this file before starting Minecraft server // For more information, go to: http://journeymap.info/JourneyMapServer // // Dimension ResourceKey[minecraft:dimension / minecraft:the_end] Configuration : Overrides the Global Server Configuration for this dimension - sent enable true to override global settings for this dim { "enabled": "false", "dimension": { "field_25137": { "field_13353": "minecraft", "field_13355": "dimension" }, "field_25138": { "field_13353": "minecraft", "field_13355": "the_end" } }, "teleportEnabled": "false", "renderRange": "0", "surfaceMapping": "ALL", "topoMapping": "ALL", "biomeMapping": "ALL", "caveMapping": "ALL", "radarEnabled": "ALL", "playerRadarEnabled": "true", "villagerRadarEnabled": "true", "animalRadarEnabled": "true", "mobRadarEnabled": "true", "configVersion": "5.10.3" }