{ "implemented": true, "name": "Polteageist", "nationalPokedexNumber": 855, "primaryType": "ghost", "abilities": ["weakarmor", "h:cursedbody"], "baseStats": { "hp": 60, "attack": 65, "defence": 65, "special_attack": 134, "special_defence": 114, "speed": 70 }, "catchRate": 60, "maleRatio": -1, "shoulderMountable": false, "forms": [ { "name": "Antique", "primaryType": "ghost", "abilities": ["weakarmor", "h:cursedbody"], "baseStats": { "hp": 60, "attack": 65, "defence": 65, "special_attack": 134, "special_defence": 114, "speed": 70 }, "catchRate": 60, "maleRatio": -1, "baseExperienceYield": 178, "baseFriendship": 50, "evYield": { "hp": 0, "attack": 0, "defence": 0, "special_attack": 2, "special_defence": 0, "speed": 0 }, "experienceGroup": "medium_fast", "eggCycles": 20, "eggGroups": ["undiscovered"], "labels": ["gen8"], "aspects": ["is_antique"], "height": 2, "weight": 4, "preEvolution": "sinistea form=Antique", "evolutions": [], "cannotDynamax": false, "battleOnly": false } ], "baseExperienceYield": 178, "experienceGroup": "medium_fast", "eggCycles": 20, "eggGroups": ["mineral", "amorphous"], "moves": [ "1:aromaticmist", "1:astonish", "1:megadrain", "1:strengthsap", "1:withdraw", "18:protect", "24:suckerpunch", "30:aromatherapy", "30:sweetscent", "36:gigadrain", "42:nastyplot", "48:shadowball", "54:memento", "60:shellsmash", "66:curse", "tm:allyswitch", "tm:batonpass", "tm:calmmind", "tm:confuseray", "tm:darkpulse", "tm:endure", "tm:facade", "tm:foulplay", "tm:gigadrain", "tm:gigaimpact", "tm:hex", "tm:hyperbeam", "tm:imprison", "tm:lightscreen", "tm:magicalleaf", "tm:metronome", "tm:nastyplot", "tm:nightshade", "tm:payback", "tm:phantomforce", "tm:protect", "tm:psybeam", "tm:psychic", "tm:psyshock", "tm:reflect", "tm:rest", "tm:round", "tm:selfdestruct", "tm:shadowball", "tm:skillswap", "tm:sleeptalk", "tm:snore", "tm:storedpower", "tm:substitute", "tm:terablast", "tm:trick", "tm:trickroom", "tm:willowisp", "tm:wonderroom", "tutor:poltergeist" ], "labels": ["gen8"], "pokedex": [ "Leaving leftover black tea unattended is asking for this Pokémon to come along and pour itself into it, turning the tea into a new Polteageist." ], "preEvolution": "sinistea", "evolutions": [], "baseScale": 1, "hitbox": { "width": 0.75, "height": 1.5, "fixed": false }, "baseFriendship": 50, "evYield": { "hp": 0, "attack": 0, "defence": 0, "special_attack": 2, "special_defence": 0, "speed": 0 }, "height": 2, "weight": 4, "aspects": [], "features": ["is_antique"], "cannotDynamax": false }