{ "implemented": true, "name": "Minior", "nationalPokedexNumber": 774, "primaryType": "rock", "secondaryType": "flying", "abilities": ["shieldsdown"], "baseStats": { "hp": 60, "attack": 100, "defence": 60, "special_attack": 100, "special_defence": 60, "speed": 120 }, "catchRate": 30, "maleRatio": -1, "shoulderMountable": false, "baseExperienceYield": 175, "experienceGroup": "medium_slow", "eggCycles": 25, "eggGroups": ["mineral"], "moves": [ "1:tackle", "3:defensecurl", "8:rollout", "10:confuseray", "15:swift", "17:ancientpower", "22:selfdestruct", "24:stealthrock", "29:takedown", "31:autotomize", "31:rockpolish", "36:cosmicpower", "38:powergem", "43:doubleedge", "45:shellsmash", "50:explosion", "tm:acrobatics", "tm:attract", "tm:bulldoze", "tm:calmmind", "tm:chargebeam", "tm:confide", "tm:confuseray", "tm:dazzlinggleam", "tm:doubleedge", "tm:doubleteam", "tm:earthpower", "tm:earthquake", "tm:endeavor", "tm:endure", "tm:explosion", "tm:facade", "tm:frustration", "tm:gigaimpact", "tm:gravity", "tm:gyroball", "tm:hiddenpower", "tm:hyperbeam", "tm:ironhead", "tm:lightscreen", "tm:meteorbeam", "tm:powergem", "tm:protect", "tm:psychic", "tm:psychup", "tm:reflect", "tm:rest", "tm:return", "tm:rockblast", "tm:rockpolish", "tm:rockslide", "tm:rocktomb", "tm:round", "tm:safeguard", "tm:sandstorm", "tm:scorchingsands", "tm:sleeptalk", "tm:solarbeam", "tm:stealthrock", "tm:stoneedge", "tm:substitute", "tm:swagger", "tm:swift", "tm:takedown", "tm:terablast", "tm:toxic", "tm:uturn", "tm:zenheadbutt", "tutor:endeavor", "tutor:gravity", "tutor:ironhead", "tutor:lastresort", "tutor:magnetrise", "tutor:snore", "tutor:stealthrock", "tutor:telekinesis", "tutor:zenheadbutt" ], "labels": ["gen7"], "pokedex": [ "Although its outer shell is uncommonly durable, the shock of falling to the ground smashes the shell to smithereens." ], "evolutions": [], "baseScale": 1, "hitbox": { "width": 1, "height": 1, "fixed": false }, "baseFriendship": 70, "evYield": { "hp": 0, "attack": 1, "defence": 0, "special_attack": 1, "special_defence": 0, "speed": 0 }, "height": 3, "weight": 3, "forms": [ { "name": "Meteor", "primaryType": "rock", "secondaryType": "flying", "abilities": ["shieldsdown"], "baseStats": { "hp": 60, "attack": 60, "defence": 100, "special_attack": 60, "special_defence": 100, "speed": 60 }, "catchRate": 30, "maleRatio": -1, "baseExperienceYield": 175, "baseFriendship": 70, "evYield": { "hp": 0, "attack": 0, "defence": 1, "special_attack": 0, "special_defence": 1, "speed": 0 }, "experienceGroup": "medium_slow", "eggCycles": 25, "eggGroups": ["mineral"], "labels": ["gen7"], "aspects": ["meteor"], "height": 3, "weight": 400, "cannotDynamax": false, "battleOnly": true, "drops": { "amount": 1, "entries": [ { "item": "cobblemon:float_stone", "percentage": 5 } ] } } ], "aspects": [], "cannotDynamax": false }