#The rarity of the enchantment. #Allowed Values: COMMON, UNCOMMON, RARE, VERY_RARE rarity = "RARE" #The number of levels of the enchantment. #Range: 1 ~ 5 levels = 1 #If enabled, the enchantment is considered a treasure enchantment. isTreasure = false #If enabled, the enchantment can be offered by villagers for trade. isVillagerTrade = true #If enabled, the enchantment can generate in loot. isLootable = true #If enabled, the enchantment can be applied at the enchantment table. canApplyAtEnchantingTable = true #If enabled, the enchantment can be applied on books. canApplyOnBooks = true #The minimum enchantability required for the first enchantment level. #Range: 1 ~ 100 minEnchantabilityBase = 15 #The additional enchantability required for each enchantment level after the first. #Range: 1 ~ 100 minEnchantabilityPerLevel = 5 #Enchantments that cannot be applied together with the enchantment. incompatibleEnchantments = [] #Items that the enchantment can be applied on. itemsList = ["#c:axes", "#c:pickaxes", "#c:shovels", "#c:hoes"]