#Crafting Settings #/reload required for any changes made to take effect. #FEATURE NOT IMPLEMENTED AT THIS TIME! [crafting] #Whether Network Traders can be crafted. #Disabling will not remove any existing Network Traders from the world, nor prevent their use. #Disabling does NOT disable the recipes of Network Upgrades or the Trading Terminals. canCraftNetworkTrader=true #Whether Trader Interface blocks can be crafted. #Disabling will not remove any existing Trader Interfaces from the world, nor prevent their use. canCraftTraderInterface=true #Whether Auction Stand blocks can be crafted. #Disabling will not remove any existing Auction Stands from the world, nor prevent their use. canCraftAuctionStand=true #Villager Related Settings #Note: Any changes to villagers requires a full reboot to be applied due to how Minecraft/Forge registers trades. [villagers] #Whether the wandering trader will have additional trades that allow you to buy misc items with money. addCustomWanderingTrades=true #Whether the banker villager profession will have any registered trades. The banker sells Lightman's Currency items for coins. addBanker=true #Whether the cashier villager profession will have any registered trades.. The cashier sells an amalgamation of vanilla traders products for coins. addCashier=true #Villager Trade Modification #Note: Changes made only apply to newly generated trades. Villagers with trades already defined will not be changed. [villagers.modification] #Whether vanilla villagers should have the Emeralds from their trades replaced with coins. changeVanillaTrades=false #Whether villagers added by other mods should have the Emeralds from their trades replaced with coins. changeModdedTrades=false #Whether the wandering trader should have the emeralds from their trades replaced with the default replacement coin. changeWanderingTrades=false #The default coin to replace a trades emeralds with. defaultReplacementCoin=lightmanscurrency:coin_emerald #List of replacement coin overrides. #Each entry must be formatted as follows: "mod:some_trader_type-lightmanscurrency:some_coin" #Every trader not on this list will use the default trader coin defined above. replacementCoinOverrides=["minecraft:butcher-lightmanscurrency:coin_iron","minecraft:cartographer-lightmanscurrency:coin_iron","minecraft:farmer-lightmanscurrency:coin_iron","minecraft:fisherman-lightmanscurrency:coin_iron","minecraft:fletcher-lightmanscurrency:coin_copper","minecraft:leatherworker-lightmanscurrency:coin_iron","minecraft:mason-lightmanscurrency:coin_iron","minecraft:shepherd-lightmanscurrency:coin_iron"] #Loot Options [loot] #T1 loot item. #Leave blank ("") to not spawn T1 loot. #Applies to loot table loot type "lightmanscurrency:configured_item" with "tier":1, which is used in all "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons" loot tables configured below. lootItemT1=lightmanscurrency:coin_copper #T2 loot item. #Leave blank ("") to not spawn T2 loot. #Applies to loot table loot type "lightmanscurrency:configured_item" with "tier":2, which is used in all "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons" loot tables configured below. lootItemT2=lightmanscurrency:coin_iron #T3 loot item. #Leave blank ("") to not spawn T3 loot. #Applies to loot table loot type "lightmanscurrency:configured_item" with "tier":3, which is used in all "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons" loot tables configured below. lootItemT3=lightmanscurrency:coin_gold #T4 loot item. #Leave blank ("") to not spawn T4 loot. #Applies to loot table loot type "lightmanscurrency:configured_item" with "tier":4, which is used in all "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons" loot tables configured below. lootItemT4=lightmanscurrency:coin_emerald #T5 loot item. #Leave blank ("") to not spawn T5 loot. #Applies to loot table loot type "lightmanscurrency:configured_item" with "tier":5, which is used in all "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons" loot tables configured below. lootItemT5=lightmanscurrency:coin_diamond #T6 loot item. #Leave blank ("") to not spawn T6 loot. #Applies to loot table loot type "lightmanscurrency:configured_item" with "tier":6, which is used in all "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons" loot tables configured below. lootItemT6=lightmanscurrency:coin_netherite #Entity Loot Settings. [loot.entities] #Whether coins can be dropped by entities. enabled=true #Whether coins can be dropped by entities that were spawned by the vanilla spawner. allowSpawnedDrops=false #Whether modded machines that emulate player behaviour can trigger coin drops from entities. #Set to false to help prevent autmated coin farming. allowFakePlayerDrops=true #Entity Drop Lists. Accepts the following inputs: #Entity IDs. e.g. "minecraft:cow" #Entity Tags. e.g. "#minecraft:skeletons" #Every entity provided by a mod. e.g. "minecraft:*" #Note: If an entity meets multiple criteria, it will drop the lowest tier loot that matches (starting with normal T1 -> T6 then boss T1 -> T6) [loot.entities.lists] #List of Entities that will drop T1 loot. #Requires a player kill to trigger coin drops. T1=["minecraft:slime","minecraft:silverfish"] #List of Entities that will drop T1 -> T2 loot. #Requires a player kill to trigger coin drops. T2=["minecraft:zombie","minecraft:skeleton","minecraft:creeper","minecraft:spider","minecraft:cave_spider","minecraft:husk","minecraft:stray","minecraft:magma_cube","minecraft:zombie_villager","minecraft:drowned"] #List of Entities that will drop T1 -> T3 loot. #Requires a player kill to trigger coin drops. T3=["minecraft:guardian","minecraft:elder_guardian","minecraft:phantom","minecraft:blaze","minecraft:ghast","minecraft:witch","minecraft:hoglin","minecraft:piglin_brute","minecraft:piglin","minecraft:zombified_piglin"] #List of Entities that will drop T1 -> T4 loot. #Requires a player kill to trigger coin drops. T4=["minecraft:enderman","minecraft:evoker","minecraft:vindicator","minecraft:pillager","minecraft:ravager","minecraft:shulker"] #List of Entities that will drop T1 -> T5 loot. #Requires a player kill to trigger coin drops. T5=["minecraft:wither_skeleton"] #List of Entities that will drop T1 -> T6 loot. #Requires a player kill to trigger coin drops. T6=[] #List of Entities that will drop loot from the "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons/boss/tier1" loot table. #Does NOT require a player kill to trigger coin drops. BossT1=[] #List of Entities that will drop loot from the "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons/boss/tier2" loot table. #Does NOT require a player kill to trigger coin drops. BossT2=[] #List of Entities that will drop loot from the "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons/boss/tier3" loot table. #Does NOT require a player kill to trigger coin drops. BossT3=[] #List of Entities that will drop loot from the "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons/boss/tier4" loot table. #Does NOT require a player kill to trigger coin drops. BossT4=["minecraft:warden"] #List of Entities that will drop loot from the "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons/boss/tier5" loot table. #Does NOT require a player kill to trigger coin drops. BossT5=["minecraft:ender_dragon"] #List of Entities that will drop loot from the "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons/boss/tier6" loot table. #Does NOT require a player kill to trigger coin drops. BossT6=["minecraft:wither"] #Chest Loot Settings [loot.chests] #Whether coins can spawn in chests. enabled=true #Chest Spawn Lists [loot.chests.lists] #List of Loot Tables that will also spawn loot from the "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons/chest/tier1" loot table. T1=["minecraft:chests/underwater_ruin_small","minecraft:chests/underwater_ruin_big"] #List of Loot Tables that will also spawn loot from the "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons/chest/tier2" loot table. T2=[] #List of Loot Tables that will also spawn loot from the "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons/chest/tier3" loot table. T3=["minecraft:chests/jungle_temple","minecraft:chests/nether_bridge","minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon","minecraft:chests/ruined_portal"] #List of Loot Tables that will also spawn loot from the "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons/chest/tier4" loot table. T4=["minecraft:chests/stronghold_crossing","minecraft:chests/stronghold_corridor","minecraft:chests/stronghold_library","minecraft:chests/ancient_city"] #List of Loot Tables that will also spawn loot from the "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons/chest/tier5" loot table. T5=["minecraft:chests/buried_treasure","minecraft:chests/bastion_hoglin_stable","minecraft:chests/bastion_bridge","minecraft:chests/bastion_other","minecraft:chests/bastion_treasure","minecraft:chests/end_city_treasure"] #List of Loot Tables that will also spawn loot from the "lightmanscurrency:loot_addons/chest/tier6" loot table. T6=[]